'The Damage Is Done': Prince Harry & Prince Charles Will Never Have A 'Loving & Caring' Relationship Again, Former Butler Claims

Will Prince Charles and Prince Harry ever make up? According to former royal butler Grant Harrold, he believes the father and son will never be on the same page going forward.
"The damage is done," Harrold said on Channel 5's Charles & Harry: Father and Son Divided. "And that makes me sad because the relationship that I knew which was a loving, caring, fun relationship can never be like that again."
Royal author Tom Quinn added: "There is no doubt the gulf between Harry and Charles had widened considerably. I mean I think if they are not careful it will be very difficult to bridge that divide in future. I can't see how they can do it."
In March, Harry revealed that he wasn't speaking to his father at one point and even claimed that Charles and Prince William were "trapped" within the royal family.
"There’s a lot to work through there. I feel really let down because he’s been through something similar, he knows what pain feels like, and Archie is his grandson, but at the same time, I of course, will always love him, but there’s a lot of hurt that happened and I will continue to make it one of my priorities to try and heal that relationship," the 36-year-old told Oprah Winfrey. "But they only know what they know. I have tried to educate them from the process I have been educated."
Prince Harry flew back to the U.K. to attend Prince Philip's funeral but things didn't get any better between him and his father.
“There is a hell of a lot of bad blood between Charles and Harry and you can kind of understand it. Prince Charles has been waiting to become King since the age of four, and it reaches the point when it is going to be in the not-too-distant future that his job will finally start. And he’s got his very popular, very high profile son trying to sweep the mat from under his feet from saying his father and Prince William are trapped," expert Duncan Larcombe claimed.
To make matters even worse, Harry bashed his father's parenting skills on Dax Shepard's podcast last week.
"There's no blame. I don't think we should be pointing the finger or blaming anybody," he told Shepard. "But certainly when it comes to parenting, if I've experienced some form of pain or suffering because of the pain or suffering that perhaps my father or my parents had suffered, I'm going to make sure that I break that cycle so that I don't pass it on."
"There's a lot of genetic pain and suffering that gets passed on anyway," added Harry. "We as parents should be doing the most we can to try and say, 'You know what? That happened to me. I'm going to make sure that doesn't happen to you.'"
Charles attended an event one day after Harry made the harsh comments, but the former smiled and acted as if he didn't have a care in the world.