Queen Máxima Gathers Hops & Has A Drink While Visiting The Gulpener Beer Brewery — See The Fun Photos!

All in a day's work!
On September 2, Queen Máxima of the Netherlands had the opportunity to visit the Gulpener beer brewery, which was founded in 1825.
The mom-of-three helped harvest hop cones, learned about the brewing process and got a taste test while touring the facility.
Scroll down to see pictures from her visit.

The royal was equal parts stylish and comfy in a white blouse and a white and green patterned skirt. She slipped on a pair of sandals and carried a green clutch.
According to her family's official Instagram page, the brewery is the winner of the Plaque for Sustainable Entrepreneurship, one of the Koning Willem I Awards.

Getting her hands dirty! Her tour began with a stop at the hops field. "More than thirty growers from the region are members of a cooperative that supplies Limburg barley, wheat, rye and spelt to Gulpener," the royal family shared.
While outdoors, Máxima chatted with the farmers about how they grow the raw materials, and afterwards, they harvested the hop cones.

Once inside the new headquarters, she learned about the "innovative brewing techniques, processing of local raw materials and the steps being taken to be able to brew all beers by 2030 without the use of fossil fuels."

Check out all of those bottles!
Máxima kept a blue face mask handy when she interacted with the staff.
"The start of vaccinations is a turning point that gives hope for a way out of this crisis. Many thanks to everyone involved in this!" the royal and her husband King Willem-Alexander said in a joint statement at the beginning of the year. "Now it is important to persevere together."
Due to the increase of COVID-19 cases, the country just tightened up their international travel rules.

The royal chatted with management and employees "about the history of the brewery and the company's sustainable approach."
She also learned about their microbrewery, which is used to craft special beers.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere! After her tour concluded, she sat down to enjoy some of the company's countless drinks.