Sarah Ferguson & Prince Andrew Visit Queen Elizabeth At Balmoral Castle 1 Day After Virginia Roberts Filed Lawsuit Against Duke Of York

Prince Andrew is keeping busy one day after Virginia Roberts filed a lawsuit against the royal. Andrew and his ex-wife, Sarah Ferguson, were photographed heading to Balmoral Castle in Scotland on Tuesday, August 10.
According to photos obtained by the Daily Mail, the former flames were spotted in a Range Rover, where they sat in the backseat of the car.
As The Royal Observer previously reported, the red-headed beauty and the Duke of York were invited to Balmoral by Queen Elizabeth.
“The Queen is delighted that after all the restrictions due to COVID-19, things are getting back to normal," a source told Phil Dampier. “She has opened up the Castle and is looking forward to picnics, outdoor pursuits and all the pleasures of being in the Highlands. Of course it’s very sad that this is her first year without her husband of 73 years, but she is being comforted by her family, and Prince Philip would have wanted her to get on with it."
Earlier this week, Roberts revealed she is suing Andrew for alleged rape.
"Today my attorney filed suit against Prince Andrew for sexual abuse under the Child Victims Act. As the suit lays out in detail, I was trafficked to him and sexually abused by him," she began in a statement.
"I am holding Prince Andrew accountable for what he did to me," the statement continued. "The powerful and rich are not exempt from being held responsible for their actions. I hope that other victims will see that it is possible not to live in silence and fear, but to reclaim one's life by speaking out and demanding justice."
For his part, Andrew has denied any wrongdoing, and Ferguson has defended him over the years.
"Whatever challenges he has, I will stand firm to the co-parenters we are together. I believe he's a kind, good man, and he's been a fabulous father to [Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie]," she declared.