Prince Harry Gets Called Out For Telling People To Quit Their Job If It Doesn't Bring Them 'Joy': 'How Would You Know Anything About Work?'

In a new interview with Fast Company, Prince Harry spoke about how people should be happy when they are in the work force.
"While on the surface it looks like these last couple of years brought all these issues to the foreground, the reality is these struggles and issues have been brewing for quite some time," he said in an interview, which focused on his new job at BetterUp. "We’re just at the beginning of the mental health awakening. This work has never been more important because people are finally paying attention, and a big component of this mission is building awareness and continuing to pioneer the conversation."
He continued, "I’ve actually discovered recently, courtesy of a chat with [BetterUp science board member] Adam Grant, that a lot of the job resignations you mention aren’t all bad. In fact, it is a sign that with self-awareness comes the need for change. Many people around the world have been stuck in jobs that didn’t bring them joy, and now they’re putting their mental health and happiness first. This is something to be celebrated."
However, people were less than thrilled with the comments — especially since it came from the 37-year-old, who has a lot of money.
One person wrote, “The person who lives in an $14 million mansion, has millions in the bank, and no proper job, is advising us to: ‘quit our jobs if they don’t bring us joy’ and says ‘leaving work is something to be celebrated.’ How would you know anything about work Prince Harry?!” while another fumed, “This is a ‘let them eat cake,’ moment for the 21st century. People who can afford to quit their jobs to save their mental health have a lot of money in the bank and the prospects of better employment.”
“So, multi-millionaire Prince Harry who has never held down a proper job in his life and has never had to worry about paying bills says quitting jobs brings joy and it’s actually good for ‘self-awareness.’ Couldn’t make it up, please someone, anyone, make it stop!” one person tweeted, while another added, “Imagine taking job advice from a literal prince," a third person stated.
However, some did stick up for the prince, who left the royal family in 2020. “Prince Harry knows what he’s talking about. He walked out on a job that was taking a heavy toll on his own mental health. I greatly admire his courage and determination.”