King Charles Takes the 'Moral High Ground' in Ongoing Feud With Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

King Charles III reportedly wishes to reconcile with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
King Charles III is ready to make amends with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle but is warned not to "cave" to one of their demands.
"He is demonstrating he is ready to reconcile and that ultimately, the onus is on them to make a decision as to whether they want to heal the wounds that have opened up between them and the rest of the royal family," royal expert Dr. Ed Owens told an outlet.

King Charles III has been warned not to apologize to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.
"The King has done that quite successfully so far. He's held the moral high ground, he's presented himself as a conciliator. That is the best way to maintain his reputation as a public figure. The most important thing here is how he is viewed by his own public," the commentator added.
He continued: "The King obviously wants to maintain a positive reputation with the British people. In that respect, the easiest solution is for him to try and maintain and keep hold of the moral high ground. So far, he's done that. He's done that by making it clear, sometimes through back channels. But often, it's through stories that go out to the press, from the palace, that he very much wants to keep the door open to Harry and Meghan, should they decide they want to return."
Charles III has been the British monarch for nearly 14 months, and during this time, large amounts of attention have shifted to the Montecito twosome and away from him. Even though Harry and Meghan continue to steal his thunder, the King seems to be continuing his mother, Queen Elizabeth II's, stance of "dignified silence" in the face of any and all criticism or attacks.

King Charles has avoided making any negative public comments about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as his reign unfolds.
"Whether there's anything more he can do, his hands are somewhat tied, because beyond trying to make specific concessions to Harry and Meghan, of course, they have requested an apology from the royal family for the way that they were treated," Dr. Owens pointed out.
"That would be essentially to concede that the royal family had done something seriously wrong in the first place," he observed. "I don't think the King or other members of the royal family accept [that] the blame rests wholly with them, that the blame rests partly with Harry and Meghan as well. So I don't think that's an option presently."

King Charles III is rumored to be the only senior British royal that speaks to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
Numerous royal experts point out that the King or any senior royal would immediately "look weak" and play into the PR machine of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex if they apologized. Although there are many who highlight that remaining silent makes the royals "look guilty," royal analysts observe how this tactic neutralizes virtually any claim Harry and Meghan make.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have sharply criticized the British monarchy since King Charles III acceded to the throne.
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GBN interviewed Dr. Owens.