'The Most Epic Experience': Meghan Markle & Prince Harry Surprise Students By Joining Their Zoom Poetry Class

Hitting the books! On February 6, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle shocked students when they dropped into their virtual poetry class that was being held by the organization Get Lit.
"Guess who surprised our poetry class this weekend?! It was the best weekend EVER!" read the group's Instagram post, which showed a photo of their Zoom meeting, with the couple's screen in the lower right corner. "Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, were magic and kind and interested in poetry!"
"The Duchess even shared some of her favorite poetry lines," the captioned continued. "We are so grateful for their visit in honor of Black History Month. It goes down as most epic experience in Get Lit history!"
The class' teacher Mason Granger also expressed his excitement over the pair's surprise visit.
"Soooo Prince Harry and Meghan dropped into my poetry class on Saturday and kicked it with the Get Lit Players for a multitude of minutes," he shared on social media. "My favorite part of it all was Meghan echoing so many sentiments we’ve talked about in class, about this particular moment in time/history to be a young person and the ripple effect of a single voice."
Granger then explained what inspired the duo to drop by. "The root of them deciding to come is because at some point in their lives, they were moved by a poem. And whoever wrote that poem at some point thought to themselves, 'Does this even matter? Is anyone even listening?' And they shared it anyway," he wrote. "Fast forward ripple ripple ripple and these kids get a surprise 45 minute chat with the Prince Harry and Meghan. It was pretty surreal."
During the class, the students shared their own poetry and were even able to ask the couple a few questions, which the pair responded to "authentically," noted Granger, revealing the the couple "actually read and learned the kids bios I'd sent earlier."
"The org and all the kids are posting today with more details about the visit — I just want to say that the Get Lit Players are brilliant and 10/10 would recommend The Duke and Duchess of Sussex for your next Zoom poetry practice," the teacher added.
Founded in 2006, Get Lit states they "use poetry to increase literacy, empower youth and inspire communities."